Final Coursework Sequence.

Preliminary Sequence.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Character Representation.

Having decided our final group idea, I've decided to research how our main characters (therapist, victim, rapist) have been represented in other movies.


1. [Analyze This, 1999] 

The therapist here is a caucasian male aged around his late 40s/early 50s. His costume is simple - he wears a plain white shirt and a plain black tie (although you can't see in it in this photo). He has facial hair and a receeding hairline, making him looks older.
He also wears glasses - these help him to look intelligent and experienced in his field.

2. [A Girl Thing, 2001]

Here, the therapist is a female rather than a male. However there are similarities between them - she is also middle aged (albeit slightly younger, perhaps in her early 40s) and she also dresses simply and professionally wearing a plain red shirt and a grey suit.

3. [Freaky Friday, 2003]    

Again, the therapist in Freaky Friday was a woman - she also seems to be a similar age to the two therapists above and like them, she's dressed very simply and professionally. When it comes to choosing the costume and overall look for the therapist in our film, we'll need to choose somebody who looks mature and we'll need to dress them in smart, professional and simple clothing.


1. [The Accused, 1988]
Before Foster is raped in 'The Accused' her image is that of a 'good time girl' - she wears revealing clothing whilst on a night out, makeup and her hair is volumised. These things are connotations of a confident young woman who enjoys going out and partying.

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