Final Coursework Sequence.

Preliminary Sequence.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thoughts so far...

I havn't blogged on my personal blog in a while - so far on the project, we've done our test shoot which was weeks ago. We used it mainly to experiment with shots and test out some ideas. It wasn't very successful in terms of creating a rough opening sequence but it did make us realise that we needed new actors and that we needed to uncomplicate the storyline a bit.

For the more final shoot, we did change our actors - we used Georgia as our victim and George as our rapist since his leg was better and he was able to do it. This was a really good decision. As well as this, we made our storyline less complicated - it's now just about a girl who was out partying and who gets attacked whilst going back into her flat. The simple storyline means we can focus more on the filming rather than explaining a long story in two minutes.

Our real shoot was the weekend that just passed (28th Feb) and it was definitely more successful than the test shoot in terms of acting and scripting. However we're still unhappy with some of the shots and we're going to do a final final shoot Wednesday evening between 6-9 to get the extra shots we want.

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